Part Time Workers

Part Time Workers

The Part Time Workers (Prevention of Less Favourable Treatment) Regulations 2000 apply to provide part-time employees with a right to equal treatment, proportionately, alongside full-time colleagues. Effectively this means that part-time employees should get a salary and benefits comparable to full-time employees relative to the lower hours they work.

The Regulations go further and cover all terms of the employment contract including (arguably) pay rates, contractual sick pay & maternity pay; access to occupational pension schemes and training; leave (annual holidays, maternity & parental leave, career breaks); and fringe benefits such as subsidised mortgages, staff discounts and health insurance.

Part-time employees who think that they are being denied their rights should speak to us. Remedies are available through an employer’s grievance procedure and ultimately at the Employment Tribunal.

Contact us for a free, no-obligation initial chat.

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